Community Solar

Join a Community Solar Farm! Go solar without installing panels on your property.

revision energy community solar farms in maineShaded roof? Renting? No worries! Now you can access the benefits of going solar by joining a local Community Solar Farm (CSF)Available in Maine. Anticipated available 2026 in New Hampshire.

Community solar farms expand access to solar energy by eliminating the need to own your home or put solar panels on your roof. Join a solar farm built and maintained by ReVision Energy and enjoy many benefits of going solar - no roof needed.

Community Solar Power Built by Locals, For Locals.

How does community solar work? For New Hampshire and Maine community solar, ReVision Energy builds large-scale, ownership model solar farms at ideal solar locations, working with the landowner or local organizations to responsibly site the project. 

Power generated from the solar farm feeds into the grid, which is then distributed to the members of the CSF. Simply put, if the entire CSF is 1000 kW and you purchase a 10 kW share, then you own 1% of the solar farm. That 1% of the kWh produced by the solar farm shows up as credits on your electricity bill.  

If you are interested in hosting a solar farm on your property, learn more about our land lease program here.

The ownership model that ReVision Energy offers allows CMP and Eversource customers to achieve all the benefits of going solar, including the full Federal Tax Credit as well as net metering benefits similar to the ones you get from installing solar on your roof. Community solar farm ownership allows members to completely or significantly offset their monthly utility bills. If you can't or don't want to pay for your share entirely upfront, it can be financed through one of our lending partners.

revision energy build solar farm curravaleWe currently offer ownership-model community solar farms for CMP customers in Maine. We are working towards offering ownership-model community solar in New Hampshire in 2025/2026. 

Benefits of Community Solar:

  • You (the owner) receive the full financial benefit of the federal tax credit.
  • You lock in the lowest 25-year cost of power by buying at a fixed price. 
  • You receive long-term support and maintenance from a local company (that's us!)
  • You can purchase upfront or finance with our lending partner and a $1,000 deposit.

If you're interested in learning more about joining a community solar farm near you, reach out to our Solar Advisor team using the form at the bottom of the page.

We have been building solar farms in New England for over ten years— including Maine's first community solar farm! — and are comprised of 400+ employee-owners who live and work in our local communities. By joining a community solar farm program through ReVision Energy, you’re ensuring that your energy savings are pushing forward the local clean energy movement and supporting local jobs in the process.

Local Benefits of a Community Solar Farm

  • You help support local farmers and community landowners who receive financial benefits from hosting community solar farms.
  • Your membership supports the expansion of more clean-power generating solar farms, reducing the need for fossil fuel plants and large transmission line projects.
  • You save money while helping to build a better world for future generations.

Sign up below to start a community solar consultation with our Solar Advisor team.

1. Contact Info
2. A few more things
3. Your electric bill

An essential step in designing a solar array is an evaluation of your electric needs. Uploading all pages of a recent electric bill will help jumpstart the process and lead to a more meaningful conversation when we connect with you!

Drag & Drop your files or Browse

Or feel free to email your inquiry to

Please include your address and phone number so our Solar Advisors can connect you with the right branch!

Featured CSF Projects