New Hampshire
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Whether it's a Polar Vortex or a good old fashioned New England winter, we wanted to check in how our customers heating with electric air-source heat pumps are doing. Can these compact, quiet heating units really heat a home when the temperature dips below zero?
Tim Ward from Glenburn reports:
"This is the first winter that I have completely heated my home with Heat Pumps and I love it. It heat and cools nearly 2,000 Sq feet of living space and best of all is powered by my 30 solar panels. It's clean, quiet and very easy to maintain."
Tyler Kidder, Sustainability Coordinator for USM, had solar installed by us and a heat pump installed by our sister company, ReVision Heat .
Tyler reports that "ever since I installed the heat pump, I haven't needed to turn on the oil - and this is after an epic winter!" She loves the simplicity of the system - no new ductwork or hydronic distribution - and it is so low profile that most visitors to her hous
She'll be hosting an open house at her home later this month , and you can bet the heat pump will be running during that tour!
Tim Ward's heat pump comfortably heats a 2,000 sq. ft. space and is powered by the sun!