New Hampshire
Do you need support?
Attorneys Nate Huckel-Bauer and Barry Woods of Drummond & Drummond stand next to Barry's plug-in electric vehicle in front of the Maine Idyll Court Community Solar Farm in Freeport, Maine.
Drummond & Drummond's legal support has been critical in helping to develop the legal framework for building ReVision's approach to community solar farms in Maine, and in providing support and guidance to the solar farm groups. ReVision's approach to community solar farms is a true shared ownership model, which means it is a three way transaction involving the site host, nine individual owner-members and ourselves.
Though the transaction sounds (and is) complicated, Drummond & Drummond and ReVision make it easy. Our CSF experience has lead to a very streamlined process, making it easy and straightforward for customers to become solar farm member-owners.
Maine's arbitrary 10-member cap on solar farms still slows their growth, but we are making good progress. ReVision has built solar farms in South Paris, Freeport, Wayne, Wiscasset, and Edgecomb. New farms will soon be built in Brunswick, Lovell, Rockland, Bar Harbor, South China, and Lisbon Falls.
Learn more about how community solar farms work.