Stacy Taylor Brown

Climate Educator

Stacy (she/her) was raised in Cleveland, Ohio. After graduating high school, she studied Anthropology at Ithaca College. A few years later, despite being a city girl through and through, she moved from Chicago to spend a couple years in New Hampshire getting her MAT in Secondary Education from UNH. A couple of years has turned into 20 and she has shed her city girl identity by learning how to pitch a tent, build a campfire, ski (kind of), and not freak out when removing an embedded tick.

After spending 16 years as a high school social studies teacher, she began to envision a career outside of the classroom where she could continue working with young people and promote social and environmental justice. As luck would have it, ReVision Energy was looking for a Climate Educator and Stacy jumped at the chance to work for a company whose stated goals are to improve the environment and work toward a more just society.

Stacy currently lives in Newmarket, NH with her husband, two kids, and her beloved elderly dog.

Articles by Stacy Taylor Brown

Systems Thinking in Climate Education
ReVision's Climate Educator, Stacy Brown, explores the benefits of systems thinking in climate education.