Heat Pump Tips

Heat Pump User Guide

ReVision Energy has installed hundreds of heat pumps for Solar Champions across New England. Air Source Heat Pumps are the most efficient way to heat and cool your home, and a powerful investment, especially when paired with solar.

If you have installed a heat pump system, or are considering it, we recommend reading our Service Team's tips to maximize savings, efficiency, and comfort with heat pumps (or click here to download a PDF of our Heat Pump Tips).

1. Use your heat pump all winter. 

winter heat pump.pngHigh-performance heat pumps are an incredibly efficient heating system, even on the coldest winter day in New England, and are more energy-efficient than a boiler or furnace. We suggest choosing your heat pump for consistent, cost-effective heating all winter long.  

2. Set it and forget it in the winter. 

Heat pumps operate most efficiently when maintaining a steady temperature; if you turn down your heat pump when you leave it has to work harder and spend more energy returning to desired temperature. We recommend setting it at a comfortable temperature and forgetting about it. Adjusting the temperature for short periods of time, such as overnight, will not save money with a heat pump. 

3. Set for comfort regardless of your usual boiler or furnace setting. 

Many indoor heat pump units are mounted high on the wall near the ceiling. Because heat rises and heat pumps measure temperature at the indoor units, we recommend setting your heat pump at a higher temperature than you would with a traditional wall thermostat setting. Set it for comfort regardless of your usual boiler or furnace setting. This may be different for heat pumps with floor units or wall-mounted thermostats. 

4. Choose your heat pump before your boiler or furnace. 

For homes heated by both a heat pump and a boiler or furnace, we highly recommend relying on the heat pump whenever possible to maximize your savings and efficiency. Depending on your set up, this could mean setting your boiler or furnace thermostat lower or closing a radiator or damper in the rooms served by the heat pump. Our Service Team is happy to provide suggestions given your home’s unique set up.  

5. Avoid “Auto” mode in summer and winter. 

heat pump auto.pngIn “Auto” mode, heat pumps maintain a constant temperature by alternating between the “Cool” and “Heat” modes. We recommend using “Heat” mode, rather than “Auto,” in the winter to avoid accidentally triggering the air-conditioning from the rare winter sun beam or a wood stove running hot. Likewise, to avoid accidentally heating on a cool summer night, use “Cool,” “Dry,” or “Fan” mode, not “Auto,’ in the summer. 

6. Optimize air flow direction. 

heat pump room layout.pngIt’s easy to redirect airflow on a heat pump to optimize the flow of heated or cooled air throughout your home. To maximize reach, air should be directed toward the open space that is the farthest away from the indoor unit, and away from any obstructions. You may need to experiment to see what’s most comfortable for you in your home. 

7. Optimize fan speed. 

Heat pumps use fans to push heated or cooled air throughout your home. We recommend starting off with the fan setting on “Auto Fan.” If that doesn’t spread the warm or cool air far enough, set the speed to the lowest level that will meet your needs.  

heat pump filters.png8. Clean your dust filters. 

Heat pumps can work most efficiently when their dust filters are clean. We recommend vacuuming or rinsing the dust filters whenever they become visibly dirty or when your heat pump’s indicator light comes on. For details on how to take the filters out of your specific heat pump, consult your user manual. 

9. Keep your outdoor unit clear. 

heat pump outdoor unit.pngHeat pump units outside your house need to be kept free of debris and obstruction to run at maximum efficiency. Avoid having shrubs or plants right near your outdoor units. If leaves or other debris get stuck in them, remove these as soon as possible, being careful not to bend the fins. In the winter, clear snow drifts away from outdoor units. However, don’t worry about snow and ice accumulating on your units, as heat pumps automatically defrost. 

10. Match the summer mode to the weather and your needs. 

There are three heat pump modes for summer. “Fan” uses the least energy and may suffice when you need a little relief, but it will not cool the room so be sure to turn it off when you leave. When it’s warm and muggy, “Dry” mode can reduce the humidity and make the room feel more comfortable. “Cool” mode is the best choice for lowering the temperature and may suit the hottest days. 

11. Have your heat pump professionally serviced. 

heat pump service.pngTo ensure peak performance of your heat pump system, we recommend getting them professionally serviced in addition to regular filter cleaning. Heat pumps collect more dirt in the summer, so it’s best to have them serviced in the fall. ReVision Energy offers heat pump servicing, and you can reach out to our Service Team for more information.