Drive on Sunshine!

When you combine EV charging with solar, you can get where you need to go with power from the sun, generated locally at a reliably low cost.

  1. Save Big with the Solar Gallon: The solar gallon is similar to the eGallon, but emits no carbon and is even more cost effective. You could be driving on the equivalent of $0.84 per gallon
  2. Lock Down Low Transportation Cost:The solar gallon is locked in over the lifetime of your solar array. This accelerates the payback of your solar investment.
  3. Drive on (Free) Sunshine: After your solar array is paid for in fuel savings, you will essentially receive free power for the life of the system!


Ready to get started? The first step is to sign up for a site evaluation: 
1. Your contact info *

Absolutely no obligation, no pushy salespeople, just high-quality information on whether your home or business is right for solar, and what the next steps would be.

2. A few more things...

What interest you about pairing EV charging and solar?
3. Your electric bill

An essential step in designing a solar array is an evaluation of your electric needs. Uploading all pages of a recent electric bill will help jumpstart the process and lead to a more meaningful conversation when we connect with you!

Click here to upload


Driving on Sunshine is just the Beginning

Installing solar to power your EV is a great way to lower annual driving costs and positively impact your budget, community, and planet. Just 8 solar panels provide enough electricity to power roughly 12,000 miles of electric driving each year at a fixed low cost. Plus, solar is more affordable than ever, thanks to incentives like the 30% Federal Tax Credit and financing options.

However, the advantages of solar extend beyond your car; solar can power your entire home, as well as a variety of efficient household technologies like battery storage and air source heat pumps. Our team is happy to help you unlock the full benefit of a solar array for your home. In our 20 years of business, ReVision Energy has installed over 14,000 solar and solar technology systems, and has been named a Top Solar Installer in New England.

Learn more about EV and solar: