Solar Installation Scope of Work Includes:
Professional site review and assessment with shade analysis prior to installation.
Professional Engineering (PE) structural roof analysis if required by local building code.
All materials necessary to mount and wire the solar electric system which includes all disconnects, fusing, conduit, wiring and metering complete through interconnection at your main electric panel to meet both the National, State and local electrical code requirements.
All labor required for installation. ReVision Energy's solar energy systems are designed and installed by our talented and friendly team of experienced employee-owners. Our systems come with more than 20 years of solar energy development experience, 400+ co-owners and thousands of systems in operation. Our team is comprised of Professional Engineers, Master Electricians, dedicated project managers and installation crew participating in our US Division of Labor Certified Apprentice Program. Each member of our team is OSHA certified insuring that we’re in full safety compliance for a safe and professional installation for your home or business.
Interconnection Application Fee for your local Utility.
Assistance with paperwork for applicable state incentives and grants as applicable through completion.
Scope of Work Does Not Include:
Upgrades to utility service and transformers at the pole. If the utility company requires upgrades to utility equipment the customer will be notified prior to proceeding. An estimate for such additional work will be provided and a change order will be agreed upon prior to proceeding.
Reinforcement of roof structure if required to support the additional load of the solar array (applies to roof mounted installations only).
Performance Information:
System production predictions are based on weather data specific to your location and adjusted based on conditions at your site. Snow accumulation and shading of the array will affect system production. We have done our best to factor these into performance estimates, however production will vary from year to year. Data estimates based on that of NREL PVWatts (calculator linked here).
However, such estimates are for informational purposes only. Due to the large number of variables affecting efficiency and performance that are beyond ReVision Energy’s control, ReVision Energy makes no warranty or guarantee that the equipment or system installed in accordance with this proposal shall perform in accordance with such estimates.
Estimates of federal tax credits and state rebates are provided to the best of our knowledge. We will assist with processing of state and local rebates, however, note that some rebate programs are first-come, first-served with limited funding and we cannot guarantee you will receive them. Also, the state rebate may be taxed as income depending on your tax filing. ReVision Energy does not provide tax advice; we recommend you consult with a professional tax advisor to review eligibility for federal solar incentives prior to making a purchasing decision.
A grid-tied solar array only operates when the utility grid is operating in order to meet code requirements and to keep utility workers safe while making repairs during grid outages. If emergency backup power during an outage is a goal for your solar energy system, ReVision Energy can design and install a battery storage system that can be charged by the solar array to supply power during a grid outage. Battery storage systems can be integrated with a solar array now or in the future.