Impact Investors

Creating Positive Change Together

impact-investor-waterfront-array-revision.jpegJoin ReVision's mission as an Impact Investor. Put your money to work helping schools, nonprofits, and municipalities go solar while earning a strong economic, environmental, and social return on your investment.

Solar is expanding rapidly in the private market thanks to its unique value proposition. Solar panels offer reliable, long-lived savings given their 40+ year lifespan. Additionally, the cost of solar technology has decreased by 75% over the last 10 years, ensuring strong ROI.

Make a true impact on your community and on your financial future by investing in solar:


Sunshine is the most abundant resource on the planet; enough sun falls on the earth's surface each hour to power our energy needs for a year

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Solar PPAs compare favorably to other forms of investment - and offer an ROI that is as reliable as the sun rising every morning.

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PPAs enable nonprofits and schools to reinvest their energy savings into their communities and focus on their missions.

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Solar provides a market-based solution to the environmental and societal problems caused by the climate crisis.

We're proud to be able to see the benefits of our Solar Impact funded projects going back into our local communities. Given ReVision's unwavering dedication to quality and service, every project is designed to ensure the maximum security and benefit for the recipient of the project, as well as the investors.

Boys And Girls Club Of ManchesterRigorous engineering and financial modeling is at the core of ReVision's approach to Solar PPA design. The result is that our 100+ Solar PPA projects have an incredible track record:

  • Fleet has performed within 10% of solar production output.
  • No defaults among hosts.
  • Modeling of baseline (utility rate hikes) is usually conservative, thus, the solar investments usually outperform against expectations.

Good-Will-Hinckley-impact-investing.jpegReVision Energy brought the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) to solar in Maine in 2010, and then to New Hampshire in 2012. PPAs are a private-public partnership that enable a nonprofit entity to go solar at no upfront cost, and lock in a lower rate for electricity long-term than they would receive from the utility grid.

In the 10+ years of work since then, ReVision has developed over 100 PPA structured projects for schools, nonprofits, and municipalities from Lawrence, Massachusetts to Hanover, New Hampshire to Limestone, Maine. Our attention to rigorous engineering detail and financial modeling has lead to an incredibly strong track record, with no defaults among project hosts, and a performance output within 10% of estimates across our entire portfolio of projects.

Impact Capital Accelerates the Energy Transition

ReVision Impact aggregates our highly-qualified, mission-aligned solar hosts and packages solar construction projects as impact investments. The unique win-win is that investors get a competitive return on investment, while making a positive impact on the planet, and the hosts receive the benefits of clean energy at no upfront cost.

Since nonprofits and governmental organizations are not eligible for federal tax credits, they cannot access solar in the same way that private enterprise can. Through our innovative solar impact fund, investors help bring solar to organizations that in turn extend the benefits of solar to their communities.

How does it work?

Our process:

  1. ReVision Impact identifies nonprofits, schools, and municipalities with viable locations for solar and organizes opportunities into investment funds.
  2. ReVision Impact identifies qualified investors for each fund, and develops financial framework that offers investors a competitive ROI and savings to the nonprofit hosts.
  3. Nonprofits accept, ReVision Energy builds the solar projects, and nonprofits start benefiting as soon as their project is turned on.
  4. Investors earn a competitive rate of return through payments made for solar generation, tax incentives, and other project benefits.

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